Grant County Fair Cliff, NM

Besides having the 4-H and FFA livestock shows and exhibits, the Grant County Fair has something for everyone.
Various Booths - - Food, jewelry, crafts, etc. - North of show ring around the grounds - Every day
Dances -- Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21 - 9:00 pm - Music by Yarbrough Band
Ag Day -- Friday, September 20 8:00 am
Tons of activities and fun for the whole family
5th Annual Baking Contest - As American as Apple Pie -- Go to the exhibit page for more details
Giant Pumpkin and Sunflower -- Please see attached rules
Pee Wee Pig Show - - Saturday, September 21, 8:00am - in the Sales Ring
Pee Wee Lamb Show -- Immediately following the Sheep Show - Friday, September 20 - in the Sales Ring
Junior Livestock Sale - - Saturday, September 21 at 3:00 PM in the Sales Ring - - Sponsored by
Gila Valley Electric
Round Robin Showmanship Contest - - Saturday, September 21
Fair Attractions
Contact information:
Annie Townsend 575-590-2346